Monday, 19 October 2015

New Books - Pearl and Derek Mysteries

I have just published two new short stories for Pearl and Derek. They are about 50 Kindle pages long each. Pearl are Derek are from my Storage Ghost Murders series. I thought it would be great if they had murder adventures of their own. I had a lot of fun writing these. The first book, A Lonely Death, is free everywhere.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Interview With Moxie Nixx

Here's a link to another interview that I've done recently. This time it's with an author who also writes mystery stories. I hope you enjoy it!

Moxie Nixx

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Interview with Maweway Corner

Just a quick post to share an interview that I did recently. Thank you, Chantiele for this :

Maweway Corner

I'm writing some short stories for Pearl and Derek as part of a spin-off series from my Storage Ghost stories.  I'll let you know when they are available!