Tuesday 8 December 2015

New Pearl and Derek - and box sets for 99c

The next two Pearl and Derek stories are now available - A Dreadful Day Out and Left To Die. I've put all the links below. There are now five of these short stories so I've made them into a box set which works out cheaper than buying the stories on their own. And, for a limited time I've priced this new box set at 99c!

I wanted to say thank you to all my followers for your continued support and so I've made all my box sets available at 99c until Sunday 14th December. You can stock up on the stories that you haven't yet got - and even tell your friends about this offer :)

Here we go with all the links (Barnes and Noble are a bit behind with publishing the Pearl and Derek ones) :

Thursday 3 December 2015

Christmas Knitting

This is what I do to take my mind off murders! I thought I'd get some Christmas knitting done. The hedgehogs were quick to do and took less than a day each. The mice took a bit longer as they're so fiddly!
I have been writing too, and there will be 2 new Pearl and Derek stories very soon.

Friday 13 November 2015

Julia Blake Collection

I've put all the Julia Blake stories together in one collection. The collection includes the first 3 short stories and the 5 longer ones. It works out cheaper to buy this collection than to buy all the books separately Here are the links:

Monday 19 October 2015

New Books - Pearl and Derek Mysteries

I have just published two new short stories for Pearl and Derek. They are about 50 Kindle pages long each. Pearl are Derek are from my Storage Ghost Murders series. I thought it would be great if they had murder adventures of their own. I had a lot of fun writing these. The first book, A Lonely Death, is free everywhere.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Interview With Moxie Nixx

Here's a link to another interview that I've done recently. This time it's with an author who also writes mystery stories. I hope you enjoy it!

Moxie Nixx

Saturday 3 October 2015

Interview with Maweway Corner

Just a quick post to share an interview that I did recently. Thank you, Chantiele for this :

Maweway Corner

I'm writing some short stories for Pearl and Derek as part of a spin-off series from my Storage Ghost stories.  I'll let you know when they are available!

Saturday 12 September 2015

New Storage Ghost Murder Mystery Coming Soon!

I've just finished writing another Storage Mystery book. I'll be doing edits etc. on it for the next week and then I'll publish it. I am going to make the book free! I can put it free immediately on all sites except Amazon as I need to contact them directly via email - then they'll decide if they're going to make it free. I shall let you know when the book is available but here is a peek at the cover .

The book is now free everywhere! I've put the retailer links under the book image.

Thursday 20 August 2015

Murder Makes A Claim

The latest Julia Blake mystery is out! The story is set inside an insurance office - hence the title. And, of course, Julia discovers a murdered body in the office. I used to work in an insurance office for a while in the telesales department. I didn't like it. I was timed every time I went to the toilet. I much prefer writing my stories - and going to the toilet at a leisurely pace!

I've made some of my stories available in paperback. You can buy them through Amazon. I didn't put them on other stores because I would have needed to increase the retail price too much. I've put a photo of the paperbacks at the bottom of this post - they look so professional!

Thursday 23 July 2015

Death Shows Up

My new book has just gone live, I'll put the links to various retailers below.

Julia get's herself involved in the local amateur dramatics group, and it's not long before she stumbles across a murdered body - of course. This idea came to me one morning within a minute of waking up. I heard the phrase 'amateur dramatics!' loudly in my head. It was so clear that I thought for a moment that someone had spoken it out loud. Being half-asleep, I forgot about it. But during the day, it kept coming back to me along with details of a plot for Julia's next book. And here it is:

Saturday 18 July 2015

Facebook Fan Page

I've finally created my Facebook Fan page! It has taken me all day (and quite a bit of chocolate and tea to boost my energy.) I've posted the new cover for my next book which I should have published next week.

I'm also planning on making my ebooks into paperbacks - I'll go and put the kettle on before I take that thought any further.

Facebook Fan Page

Saturday 4 July 2015

New Julia Blake Story - A Fair Murder

The latest Julia Blake story is now available, I've put all the details below. I really like the cover, particularly the panda bear on the table.

'Julia Blake runs her own cleaning business. She has the unfortunate knack of getting herself involved in murder enquiries.

In this story, Julia helps out at the school fair for a local school. The new head teacher, Deborah Paignton has made herself unpopular by implementing changes to the school and continually upsetting members of staff.

Julia discovers the murdered body of Deborah Paignton after the fair has finished. She knows immediately there is more than one person who would have liked to see the end of Deborah.'

I've put together a box set of Julia's stories. This set includes the first 3 short stories, and also the 3 longer ones that follow. As one of the books is now exclusive to Amazon I'm afraid the box set can only be sold on Amazon. 

Wednesday 10 June 2015

My Latest Series - Cara Daniels Cozy Mysteries

My latest series is called Cara Daniels Cozy Mysteries. I have published 5 short stories, the details are below. I've also published them as a box set too which works out cheaper.

Cara Daniels has to stop murders from occurring. She is given the murder victim's name by an angel. The angel also tells her how long the victim has left before the murder happens. Cara has to work out who is likely to murder the victim, and then she has to stop them.

The first book, Donald's Death, is free to give you a sample of the series.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Death Takes A Trip

My latest book is now available. It's the next one in the Julia Blake series and is called 'Death Takes A Trip'. You'll see from the cover that the poor victim has fallen down the stairs this time - or was he pushed?

The book is free for a while.

Friday 1 May 2015

An Interview With Joan Somers

I was very lucky to be asked to do an interview with Joan Somers as part of her A-Z challenge. She has completed an amazing creative feat of posting informative posts each day on many subjects. The photographs are amazing! Have a look at the verandahs on page 1 - it makes you want to jump into the page and settle down on the comfy chairs.
I love the photo of Agatha Christie - on page 3 - surrounded by her books. She looks worried as if she's afraid that the tower of books will collapse on top of her!
There is a picture of my next book cover on Joan's site. More details on when that will be released are coming soon.

Here is the link to Joan's site. Thank you again, Joan, it has been an honour for me to appear on your site.


Thursday 16 April 2015

A Secret Killer - The New Julia Blake Book

My latest book is now available - A Secret Killer. It is the 4th book in the Julia Blake Murder Mystery series. It is longer than the first 3 books and is written in the third person, rather than the first.
Julia's first mystery, Virtually Scared To Death, is free on all platforms. The next two stories are free as a thank you gift when you sign up to my newsletter.
The book designer (www.coverkicks.com) has done a wonderful job again. She had to make Julia look in her mid-forties by adding wrinkles, rather like plastic surgery in reverse.