Friday, 16 December 2016

A Ray And Cain Mystery - Murder In The Flower Beds

If you're familiar with my Julia Blake mysteries, you'll know that her dad, Ray, and her colleague, Cain, have become good friends. I thought it would be fun to give them some mysteries of their own to solve. The first one is now out and will be free with Amazon on 17th and 18th December. You can also read it for free if you have Kindle Unlimited.
It's a short story.

Getting involved in a murder investigation had never been part of Ray Rosenthorpe’s retirement plans. But here he was, on a Saturday morning in a garden centre, looking at a dead body in a shed.
A woman Ray knows is standing over the dead body with blood on her hands. She claims she had nothing to do with the murder, and asks Ray to help clear her name. Being the kind-hearted soul that he is, Ray agrees to help her.
With his best friend, Cain, at his side, the two are soon deep in their investigations.

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Here's a chance to read Julia Blake's Short Cozy Mysteries as the box set is free on the 17th and 18th December.

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Amazon UK

If you want to read the longer adventures of Julia's, then the box set of 7 stories is available at the bargain price of $3.99.


Saturday, 10 December 2016

The Last Post - A Storage Ghost Mystery

Grace's next adventure is here, and she's not having a good time.

The day that Grace feared finally arrives; the day when she meets a ghost she knows.
The ghost is Roz. She’s been delivering post to Grace’s shop for years, and even knew Grace’s late parents.
Once Roz gets over the shock of being dead, she tells Grace what her unfinished business is. Roz delivered post to an old lady called Olive, and Olive is in trouble and needs urgent help.
Grace doesn’t hesitate to help and is soon deep into her investigation. Things take an unexpected twist when an attempted murder is revealed. The would-be murderer won’t rest until they claim their victim.

This book is free on 10th and 11th December

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Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Dead Wrong - A Storage Ghost Mystery

The next Storage Ghost Mystery is out, and this involves vampires! You can read this one for free if you've got Kindle Unlimited.

'Grace Abrahams helps ghosts who can’t move on until their problems have been solved. The ghosts she meets are attached to items found at storage locker auctions.

Vince is the ghost of a young man who is attached to a coffin. He’s confused when he appears to Grace, and can’t remember the details of his life, although he does recognise the coffin. He jokes that he might be a vampire.

His joke turns sour when his personality abruptly changes and he’s transformed into a nastier version of himself. And this version is intent on causing Grace harm.'

The book will be free on Amazon on the 7th and 8th December. I've put the links to Amazon Com and UK but if you live elsewhere, click on one of those links and there will be an option to be taken to your own country. It's usually on the top right-hand side of the Amazon page.

I've started to use a new cover designer and I think she's done a great job of this cover :

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